Hear me out, if we had to chart the majority of western societies stress level starting November 14th it would probably look something like this:
I don't know if you relate to that at all, but I find myself wanting to throw three cookie parties, host a festive cocktail party where I wear a dress I absolutely can't afford and making sure everyone has the perfect gift all while staying on budget…. And there goes peace, making its way toward the exit signs.
I think this season can start with good intentions of manifesting joy and unearthing peace, but it can quickly run into overdrive or maybe even cruise control: destination drive to survive.
"...sometimes our gaze is too tightly focused on the things that don't bring peace to our life and we just need a slight adjustment to change the lense in which we see the world around us, this season and even today."
What if we took a step back from the way we view this time of year, the Holidays and even winter as a whole and created space for a new focus. What if instead of focusing so hard on making sure we enjoy this season and do everything expected of us or the pressures of what social media tells us to do, we sit down and create a list of what makes the season special to us.
This weekend when I was feeling overwhelmed I sat down and made a list of what I want to focus on this Holiday season and I made myself pick the top 5.... It was very challenging but I had so much more peace knowing I would show up for and pour my heart fully into what I had chosen. What didn't make the cut, didn't make the cut and that is okay.
By shifting our focus from what we normally do or what we are being told makes the Holiday season “the Holiday Season” we focus on each day and being intentional about a few things that mean the most to us.
I know it won't come easily, at first it may even feel like swimming against stream, but sometimes our gaze is too tightly focused on the things that don't bring peace to our life and we just need a slight adjustment to change the lense in which we see the world around us, this season and even today.

Once again, I created a little graphic to help with organizing your Top 5 Festive Focuses. Print it off, hang it on your fridge, or screenshot it and keep it as your background to keep your focus! You deserve peace, friend. May you find it more fully this season.
Kara Leake